Bedding tips and care instructions
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Publicado por : xinanyeshi
Publicado en : 30-07-21
Ubicación : London
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Bedding tips and care instructions
We like to think we have addressed virtually every question that one might have relative to bedding. We have also attempted to make most of these articles more informative rather than sales oriented.
As you may notice, some of our videos are older and shot pre 4K monitors. We are in the process of re-shooting them in higher resolution. However, the information these articles and videos contain are still relevant.
These articles include frequently asked questions such as:
How to remove wrinkles from your bedsheets without an iron.
To view our article and video that demonstrates how to remove wrinkles in bedding without an iron, click here or read below.
Water is a wrinkle release, which is why there is a steam setting on irons.
To remove wrinkles from bed sheets or duvet covers, all that is needed is a spray bottle of water and a little bit of tension applied to the fabric.
A fitted sheet, when placed over the mattress is already under some degree of tension. Simply spray, spritz, or mist the fitted sheets with your water bottle.
With a flat sheet, place it on the bed, tuck the foot. Then grab a corner of the flat sheet at the top of the bed and gently pull on the fabric until it is a little taunt. Then mist the sheet with the spray bottle of water.
With the pillowcases, stuff them with your pillows. Then suspend the pillowcase by the cuff with one hand and lightly spray both sides. Now hold the pillowcase at the cuff with both hands, lightly shake the pillowcase up and down. This will create tension on the pillowcase.
With a duvet cover, go to one corner, grab the cover at the corner and lightly pull on the fabric to apply tension to it, then spritz the top side, repeat on the other three corners.
Following these steps will make your entire bed look as if it has just been ironed. The best part is this process should take less than a minute to accomplish and can be done mid-week when your bed may begin to look a little frumpy.
How to make a luxurious bed like one you see in a hotel.
To view our full article on the different elements used by hotels to give their beds and rooms a light cozy and inviting look, read our article/video found here.
Decades ago, the Weston Hotel discovered that bedding was an important attribute to a guest's comfort while staying at their property. After all, why do most people stay in a hotel? To sleep of course.
Hotels also discovered that many enjoy a simple, uncomplicated bed. So they began creating beds that were uncluttered and clean looking.
Most hotels that have embraced this concept dress the bed as follows:
White sheets, some may use bedsheets with a little decoration such as embroidery on the duvet cover, flat and solid sheets, pillowcases, and shams.
Hotels also discovered that traditional bedspreads were heavy and difficult to clean and were not cleaned frequently.
As a result, they embraced the use of down comforters, as a down comforter is enjoyable.
What is thread count?
Thread count is a simple measurement. It is the number of weft threads plus the number of warp threads found in one square inch of fabric.
To view our detailed article/video on thread count and additional information on different grades of cotton used in bed sheets click here or read our overview below.
Many assume that thread count is an indicator of quality; it is not. This is why you may find 600 thread count sheets selling for $60 and some selling for as high as $1,000.
A primary factor that determines the quality of a sheet is the grade of cotton that is used. Substandard grades of cotton are inexpensive by comparison to high-quality grades such as Long-Staple cotton or Extra-Long-Staple cotton.
Although Egyptian cotton is considered to be some of the finest cotton grown, there are also poor grades of Egyptian cotton.
Because a garment or bedsheet is labeled, Egyptian cotton doesn't mean it is. There is a lot of deception in the market place, likely 90% of the sheets and towels sold that are labeled Egyptian cotton are not.
Are flat sheet necessary?
To learn more about the benefits of using a flat sheet or not using one, view our article on this topic found here or read below.
One advantage of using one is, a flat sheet provides an extra layer of protection for your duvet cover, coverlet, blanket, or other top of the bed items.
Cleaning a flat sheet is far easier than the aforementioned items.
Some find that they get tangled up in a flat sheet and will forgo using one. The downfall of not using one is you will need to clean your duvet cover or whatever you have on the top of your bed more frequently.