How Do Bluetooth Speakers Work & How To Connect Them How Do Bluetooth Speakers Work…

In recent years, Bluetooth connectivity has become more and more prevalent in our everyday lives and how we listen to audio (through speakers and headphones). You may have wondered how exactly your Bluetooth speaker works, and by reading this article, you…

In recent years, Bluetooth connectivity has become more and more…


HOW DO GLOW PLUGS WORK? No matter how you look at it, car technology has come on leaps and bounds over the past decades. And, while some of these advances are immediately noticeable and appreciated, such as electric windows and smoother suspension…

HOW DO GLOW PLUGS WORK? No matter how you look at it, car technology…

How do I use a Recovery Strap? How do I use a Recovery Strap?

The right recovery straps and how to use them can make the difference if you can pull your vehicle out safely or if you have to wait on a tow truck. A high-quality strap without hooks attached to it is the strap you want to use for getting a vehicle…

The right recovery straps and how to use them can make the difference…

How Do Trampolines and Massage Guns Work? How Do Trampolines and Massage…

The trampoline has always been the gift that keeps on giving. According to Kelly Burstow from leading Australian blog “Be A Fun Mum“, if she could only pick one piece of play equipment for her kids, it would be the trampoline. As trampolines evolve…

The trampoline has always been the gift that keeps on giving.…

How Do Wind Turbines Work? How Do Wind Turbines Work?

Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity to make wind—like a fan—vertical wind turbines use wind to make electricity. Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator, which creates…

Wind turbines work on a simple principle: instead of using electricity…

How does a chainsaw work? How does a chainsaw work?

What is a chainsaw?     The clue is in the name! A chainsaw has two main parts: a saw blade built into a chain, wrapped around a long metal guide bar, and a small, one-cylinder gasoline (petrol) engine (sometimes an electric motor powered by a cord or…

What is a chainsaw?     The clue is in the name! A chainsaw has two…

How Does a Drill Bit Work? How Does a Drill Bit Work?

A drill bit is what actually cuts into the rock when drilling an oil or gas well. Located at the tip of the drillstring, below the drill collar and the drill pipe, the drill bit is a rotating apparatus that usually consists of two or three cones made up…

A drill bit is what actually cuts into the rock when drilling an oil…

How Does a Fuel Level Sensor Work? How Does a Fuel Level Sensor…

How Does a Fuel Level Sensor Work?     Sensors are a crucial part of most vehicles, especially when determining the fuel level in automobiles and aircraft. Whilst running out of fuel might be inconvenient and costly when driving an automobile, in an…

How Does a Fuel Level Sensor Work?     Sensors are a crucial part of…

How Does a Fuel Level Sensor Work? How Does a Fuel Level Sensor…

Sensors are a crucial part of most vehicles, especially when determining the fuel level in automobiles and aircraft. Whilst running out of fuel might be inconvenient and costly when driving an automobile, in an aircraft it could have dire consequences. In…

Sensors are a crucial part of most vehicles, especially when…

How Does a Rectifier Work? How Does a Rectifier Work?

    How Does a Rectifier Work?     Rectifier, device that converts alternating electric current into direct current. It may be an electron tube (either a vacuum or a gaseous type), vibrator, solid-state device, or mechanical device. Direct current is…

    How Does a Rectifier Work?     Rectifier, device that converts…
