Alec Bohm Jersey

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  • Alec Bohm Jersey

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : Siverlings

    Publicado en : 26-02-25

    Ubicación : Albacete

    Visitas : 7

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    Alec Bohm Jersey

    Chase Utley shared a funny story on the latest episode of the 6-1-1 Podcast, hosted by Phillies legends Ryan Howard and Jimmy Rollins.  He recalled a memorable rookie prank that took place shortly after he hit his first Major League home run.  Utley was called into the manager's office the following day, only to find former Phillies player and future broadcaster John Kruk there waiting for him.

    Kruk, a 10-year MLB veteran and a member of the Major League Baseball Rules Committee at the time, began by telling Utley and others in the room that there was a major issue with him not being properly added to the roster Alec Bohm Jersey.  He claimed the Phillies were facing a $250,000 fine and that they would have to forfeit every game Utley had participated in that season.

    Kruk kept up the ruse, asking Utley increasingly specific questions about how he had traveled when promoted to the big leagues and where he was staying.  Utley, understandably, started to get nervous and wasnt sure if it was a prank or a serious issue.

    Kruk eventually revealed the punchline, asking, "Do you honestly think Major League Baseball would make me a member of the Rules Committee?"

    Utley, now able to laugh at the experience, reflected on his thoughts at the time.  "I was 24, just got to the big leagues, hit a grand slam, and was so pumped.  Then, the next day, Im being told my home run didnt count and the Phillies were being fined.  It was crazy.  Looking back, I should have realized it was all a joke. "

    The 6-1-1 Podcast is available for fans on , , YouTube, and most podcast platforms

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