Blizzard The company says Heroes of the Storm

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  • Blizzard The company says Heroes of the Storm

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : anqilan456

    Publicado en : 27-01-23

    Ubicación : Albacete

    Visitas : 32

    Blizzard The company says Heroes of the Storm

    Blizzard The company says Heroes of the Storm Is "Much Closer to an World of Warcraft Experience"

    It's a Blizzard creation. Heroes of the Storm may feature elements similar to real-time strategy game Starcraft II, but director Dustin Browder has described the game's experience as closer to the world of World of Warcraft buy WoTLK Gold.

    While most multiplayer online battle arena games utilize the same layouts for the maps they use, Browder interviewed by P2Pah, stated that Blizzard is taking a different method in Heroes of the Storm. He said each battleground was "its own unique experience, very similar to the World of Warcraft experience as in contrast to an Starcraft experience. We're trying to create something that is different enough that we can draw our own viewers."

    As with other games in the genre, small one-on-one matches can be a precursor to larger team-wide battles.

    Browder went on to explain the reason Blizzard was able to decide to categorize Heroes of the Storm a brawler game as opposed to a MOBA by saying "one of the aspects we wanted to emphasize in this game was lots of action. We felt that it captured the essence of the game we're hoping to make, a game in which you get involved with your group of friends and compete with enemy heroes."

    Browder revealed that the term "action real-time strategy" was also considered, as is the reason why Valve describes its free-to play game Dota 2. "We were going to modify it and call it a fast action real-time strategy," he said.

    Heroes of the Storm is currently in a limited technical alpha and has no official release date. The game has characters from World of Warcraft, Starcraft World of Warcraft , Starcraft, and World of Warcraft universes. Find the rest this interview interview of Dustin Browder below.
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