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    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : taoaxue

    Publicado en : 11-12-23

    Ubicación : Albacete

    Visitas : 44

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    By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over.Is streaming a viable alternate career path for League of Legends pros?

    When it comes to making a living off League of Legends, most people look to the LCS. It’s understandable why this has become the primary way we talk about gamers making money for their skills—the professional stage is flashy, sleek, and professional. Everything about League’s pro scene has seemingly been constructed to compete with traditional sports and stomp on the stereotype that gaming is for nerds. The casters are well spoken and charismatic, the stages are brilliantly constructed, and the entire show has been carefully produced and choreographed to be accessible, entertaining, and something that you could show an elderly family member without feeling embarrassed.

    With this in mind, it makes sense that when we talk about the financial success of League players we focus entirely on esports. There’s another way to make cash while playing League, however, and it’s becoming a bigger part of the conversation around esports in general.

    Streaming successes
    There have been countless headlines lately about the success of Twitch as a platform. Amazon purchased the streaming platform for $970 million, and it boasts over 100 million unique viewers per month. Those viewers tend to stick around, too: half of Twitch users use the site for over 20 hours a week. Watching someone play games has become part of many gamers’ lives. Sure, you don’t want to shell out $60 for Resident Evil 7, but you’ll watch a steamrunner go through it and hang out in chat while he plays. Some people have streams on at work, listening to the soothing tones of Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana, or switch on Zach “Sneaky” Scuderi’s stream while they’re relaxing at night. While there are plenty of games enjoying the limelight on Twitch (Overwatch and Destiny are two other games with massive communities), League is the king POE trade currency .

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