Selling Silver mercury with the purity 99,99, 34,5 kg bottles +27631501216 Conglomerate Global Pty Ltd

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  • Selling Silver mercury with the purity 99,99, 34,5 kg bottles +27631501216 Conglomerate Global Pty Ltd

    Precio : €350,00

    Publicado por : coffeeexporter

    Publicado en : 10-12-24

    Ubicación : Alicante

    Visitas : 17

    Selling Silver mercury with the purity 99,99, 34,5 kg bottles +27631501216 Conglomerate Global Pty Ltd

    Selling Silver mercury with the purity 99,99, 34,5 kg bottles +27631501216 Conglomerate Global Pty Ltd
    Each container weigh's 34.5 kg and we do provide you with the pricing details, including any applicable shipping fees D.R.Congo, delivery times, and payment terms. In 2021, Top exporters of Mercury are Tajikistan ($8,550.00K , 310,500 Kg), United Arab Emirates ($6,888.94K , 234,542 Kg), Nigeria ($2,990.41K , 1,086,970 Kg), India ($2,053.36K , 30,481 Kg), Russian Federation ($1,289.45K , 62,724 Kg). Red mercury for sale in United Kingdom, Oman Afghanistan +27631501216 Conglomerate Global Pty Ltd
    Red mercury can be used in producing high-precision conventional and nuclear bomb explosives, 'Stealth' surfaces and self-guided warheads
    red mercury is manufactured by "mixing special nuclear materials in very small amounts into the ordinary compound and then inserting the mixture into a nuclear reactor or bombarding it with a particle-accelerator beam."
    The asking price for red mercury ranged from $100,000 to $300,000 per kilogram
    Red mercury as a ballotechnic, evidence shows that in Saudi Arabia Singer sewing machines (Singer Corporation ) contained "red mercury" had caused the prices of such machines to massively increase in the Kingdom

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