You can see a full run-down of the patch

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  • You can see a full run-down of the patch

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : taoaxue

    Publicado en : 26-12-23

    Ubicación : Albacete

    Visitas : 35

    You can see a full run-down of the patch

    You can see a full run-down of the patch, which is due out on 12 December, over at the game's official site POE currency trade .

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    By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over.Update: Funcom issues hotfix build for Conan Exiles

    Update: Funcom issued a hotfix yesterday that includes a whole bunch of general bug fixes. Check out the details on Steam here.

    Original story:

    Funcom's latest Conan Exiles patch is now live, but it's apparently causing issues for some players.

    All the tweaks and improvements for the latest patch—snappily entitled patch 102943/18618—have been detailed on Steam by community manager, Natascha.

    "Are you ready for this wall of text? If not, well it’s your fault really," writes Natascha. "You asked for it and we delivered. You totally rallied to the cause as we saw the TestServer fill up quickly with hundreds of you playing. A real sight to behold!"

    Though 900+ players helped stress test the numerous fixes and updates—which include clan hierarchy, better threat animations from wildlife, and detrimental status effect icons above enemy target health bars—some are now reporting the game has been unplayable since the patch went live POE trade currency .

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