Blasphemy _ Misty Rain Jiangnan _ txt Novel Paradise

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  • Blasphemy _ Misty Rain Jiangnan _ txt Novel Paradise

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : Courtland Aubin

    Publicado en : 02-09-22

    Ubicación : Almería

    Visitas : 20

    Blasphemy _ Misty Rain Jiangnan _ txt Novel Paradise

    "Master Weena, the master is calling us, but how do I feel that she is a little different from before?" The sacred dragon asked doubtfully. She took another step on the path to becoming the true God, so of course you feel different. There's nothing strange about that. Weena's tone was light, but Gregory keenly caught a glimmer of something in it, as if it were something called sadness by human beings. Weena looked at the leaden sky in silence. Suddenly she smiled softly and thought to herself, "But … …" Do you want to be a God like this? There is no such cheap thing! You wait, I'll find a way to break your cold shell sooner or later! Master Weena! Master Weena? Gregory called several times before Weena came to her senses. This side of the Frost Armor Giant. Anticipating that the war would come with the call of his master, Gregory felt that his ability to improve these days was still insignificant, and his wise eyes immediately turned to the powerful and palatable big guys on the top of the mountain with a little greed. Weina looked at the top of the bluestone mountain, and her rare smile disappeared. "Don't worry," she said coldly! We still have two days. Although this time can't do anything, at least the biggest guy can't run away. So in the angry eyes of the leader of the Frost Armor Giant, the figures of Weena and the Holy Dragon gradually disappeared. On the endless snowfield in the north, Rogge is leading more than a thousand men to rush. A few days later, the Othor Highway, which leads to the northernmost point of the Empire, was at an end, and further ahead,sonicator homogenizer, there was an endless ice field, which extended to the horizon, with faint blue mountains. Although the Dark Side of the Moon is made up of the most powerful elves, and although each elf wears a special cold-proof suit, the cold wind still makes them look blue. Comparatively speaking, the rough Tikton warrior is simply enjoying the wind in the north. In the open space, vision is the most deceptive thing. It seemed that the mountains that could be reached in a twinkling of an eye were so far away that Rogge led the army for two days before reaching the scheduled pass. By this time,ultrasonic handheld welder, on the ice field behind them, a large group of followers of the Holy Church of Silver had appeared, and even with Rogge's eyesight, they could see the flags raised by the believers. The mountain pass is actually a long and narrow valley, easy to defend but difficult to attack. According to the original plan, Rogue, Andronie, and Theseus would continue northward, while Flora would lead all the troops to guard the mountain pass and block all the followers of the Holy Church of Silver. When they were about to part, Rogge suddenly stopped and slowly turned back. In the cold wind, a pure white Floya stood on the ice field, just like a delicate snow lotus, as if the wind would break her skin if it was a little stronger. The green eyes are rippling with a faint mist of pestilence, ultrasonic dispersion machine ,ultrasonic sonochemistry machine, as if there are thousands of hearts to tell. But she just stood there, not moving, not talking. In a silvery world, there was only a little red lip, which was so sad and beautiful. Rogge suddenly strode back! He opened his arms wide. A touch of blush touched Flora's cheeks, and she threw away all her reserve, like a feather, and threw herself into his arms! Flora hugged Rogue's waist with all her strength and buried her head in his arms. Live well! Rogge whispered. This sentence should be returned to you, and the place you go is dangerous. Flora did not raise her head, even as Roger kissed her hair. Her voice was like a dream. Wait for me to come back. The leprechaun chuckled in Rogue's arms and whispered, "What are you waiting for when you come back?"? Marry me? Without waiting for Rogge to answer, she had left the warm embrace and pushed Rogge to turn around and said, "Fool, go quickly!" Rogge smiled and said no more. He chanted the spell of flight and flew north with Theseus and Andronie. Flora stood motionless on the ice, watching their figures disappear into the northern sky. Thousands of miles of ice, the only color left at this time, is that little trembling vermilion. Thank you for your support to Xiao _ Shuo t-x-t _ Tian/Tang Chapter 14 at dusk. When the setting sun was about to fall into the distant mountains, it was able to reveal its full view for a moment in the dense clouds. It seemed to give vent to the enthusiasm that had been suppressed for a day in this short moment, turning the grey sky into a burning sea of clouds in an instant.

    The golden red light pattern flows and ripples like waves, and the sky and the earth suddenly brighten up a little. Under the clouds of fire, Auburn Hills changed its black and snow-white decoration, but put on a red coat. Red comes not only from the contribution of the burning clouds in the sky, but also from the vast dark red ice on the mountain, which is regularly divided into three or four routes winding down from the top of the mountain. At a glance, it looks like a solidified red stream. Under the sea of clouds, the long trumpet sounded in the sky, and the members of the Silver Holy Church slowly retreated from Auburn Hill, holding each other, hundreds of bodies being dragged along, then the remains of their brethren. But the bodies of those who fell heroically behind the eye of wisdom could not be recovered. Today, the followers of the Holy Church have achieved the best results since they attacked the mountain. In the afternoon, they once broke through the defense line of the eye of wisdom, and the warriors in the front could even see the back of the praying saint on the altar! Kuangxin Dharma Master protected the altar, but Mora remained motionless, turning a blind eye to the swords and blood that were close at hand. At this time, there were less than five hundred believers of the Eye of Wisdom who could still defend their positions. Sudden changes occurred. The halo that had always enveloped Mora's whole body extended rapidly outward, spreading to the whole altar in the blink of an eye, and the soft light radiated a hundred paces, shining on the battlefield. Master Kuangxin is in high spirits. The casting gesture, which was already a little sluggish, suddenly became flexible. The believers of the Eye of Wisdom are even more courageous, and their belief in the goddess occupies all their bodies and minds, shouting at the holy believers. The feelings of their enemies were completely the opposite. Negative emotions such as fear,ultrasonic dispersing machine, confusion, vacillation and so on spread like a plague. The war situation was immediately reversed, and the Holy Church had to call for a retreat.

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