China Aerial Order Picker

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  • China Aerial Order Picker

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : hopdmast

    Publicado en : 17-08-23

    Ubicación : A Coruña

    Visitas : 39

    China Aerial Order Picker

    China Aerial Order Picker Semi electric aerial stock picker can complete all actions such as lifting, forward and backward. It is suitable for single-person operation, mainly used for high-altitude operations in electric power, communication, airports, exhibition centers, hotels, supermarkets, factories, stations, docks, subway stations and other places. Specification model parameter table: Unit of length锛歮m SpecificationWJD-27WJD-37WJD-40WJD-45 safe working load 锛坘g锛?/p> 300300300300 Maximum number of workers1111 working height 锛坢锛?/p> 4.75.766.5 platform height锛坢锛?/p> 2.73.744.5 Overall length锛坢锛?/p> 1.531.531.571.57 Machine width锛坢锛?/p> 980980980980 Overall height锛坢锛?/p> 2.062.412.022.26 Working platform size锛坢m锛?/p> 710脳800710脳800710脳800710脳800 Minimum ground clearance锛坢m锛?/p> 80808080 wheelbase锛坢锛?/p> Lifting motor锛坘w锛?/p> 24/2.224/2.224/2.224/2.2 Ascent / descent speed锛坰锛?/p> 18/1722/1920/1620/17 storage battery锛圴/Ah锛?/p> 12/10012/10012/10012/100 Charger 锛圴/A锛?/p> 14/1512/1512/1512/15 rear wheel锛坢m锛?/p> 桅150脳50桅150脳50桅150脳50桅150脳50China Aerial Order Picker website:

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