Essay writing tips and common mistakes

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  • Essay writing tips and common mistakes

    Precio : €84.088,00

    Publicado por : Dominic Cooper

    Publicado en : 13-01-22

    Ubicación : Ávila

    Visitas : 504

    Essay writing tips and common mistakes

    Writing Tips:

    When writing an essay, you should alternate short phrases with long ones.
    In this case, the text will be dynamic enough to be easy to read.

    You should not use complicated and incomprehensible words, especially if the meaning of the word is unfamiliar.

    You should use as few generic phrases as possible. Is nerdify legit? The essay should be unique, individualized, reflecting the personality of the author.

    Humor should be used extremely carefully. Sarcasm and impertinence can irritate the reader.

    Reflecting personal experiences, memories and impressions is a great way to validate your point of view and convince the reader.

    It is necessary to stick to the topic and the main idea, without deviating from it or describing unnecessary details.

    After finishing the essay, you should reread it, making sure to keep the logic of the narrative throughout the entire narrative.

    Using facts, research results in the essay is a great option to add persuasiveness.

    Common mistakes when writing an essay.

    Knowing the most common mistakes, will help you avoid them when writing your own essay.

    Mistake 1. The fear of being misunderstood or not making the right impression contributes to the fact that the author removes everything superfluous, outstanding from the essay. Due to this, the essay may lose its individuality and uniqueness.

    Mistake 2. Insufficient elaboration of details. A common mistake is having a statement that is not supported by enough arguments in the form of examples and evidence.

    Mistake 3. Misunderstanding the essence of the problem stated in the essay or misinterpretation of the topic.

    Mistake 4. Listing other people's opinions, without attribution, and lacking your own point of view.

    The whole beauty of the essay genre is the absence of rigid restrictions. Complete freedom of creativity, the opportunity to express your view and share your reflections, non-standard solutions to the problem - these are the features inherent in essays that make this genre attractive to a person who is creative and generates original ideas.

    Related Resources:

    How to recognize an essay 
    What is an essay? 
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