The future of 3D holograms comes into focus The future of 3D holograms…

Smartphone-based augmented reality (AR) and the AR headset explosion will bring 3D holograms into our lives everywhere. Meanwhile, though, the real AR hologram revolution is being ignored. A hologram is a 3D virtual object that is not actually there,…

Smartphone-based augmented reality (AR) and the AR headset explosion…

What Is Investment Casting And How Does It Work? What Is Investment Casting And…

Factors such as design requirements, cost, and feasibility to manufacture dictate which casting process is most suitable to manufacture a product. Investment casting produces precise components while minimizing material waste, energy, and subsequent…

Factors such as design requirements, cost, and feasibility to…

An Introduction to Machine Vision Systems An Introduction to Machine…

Machine vision systems are a set of integrated components that are designed to use information extracted from digital images to automatically guide manufacturing and production operations such as go/no testing and quality control processes. These systems…

Machine vision systems are a set of integrated components that are…

Rheometers: How and What do they Measure? Rheometers: How and What do…

To measure the rheological properties of your sample with a rotational and oscillatory rheometer requires the determination of the torque and deflection angle of the measuring bob. Your sample provides resistance or a reset torque to the setting. The…

To measure the rheological properties of your sample with a rotational…

Is it Safe to Smoke Out of Silicone? Is it Safe to Smoke Out of…

Up until a few years ago, bongs had always been made out of glass or ceramic. That is, until the silicone bong came onto the scene. We all know the feeling of watching a high-quality piece of glass hit the floor and shatter. Replacing a bong can be a…

Up until a few years ago, bongs had always been made out of glass or…
