Monal top trek

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  • Monal top trek

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : adititravel

    Publicado en : 18-11-24

    Ubicación : London

    Visitas : 14

    Monal top trek

    The journey to Monal top trek begins at the base of the Margalla Hills, where a series of twisting trails climb up through deep woods of oak, pine, and wild shrub. The Margalla Hills are home to a diverse range of vegetation and species, making this trip not only beautiful but also educational for anyone interested in wildlife and ecology. As you ascend higher, the air becomes cleaner, and the noise of the city fades into the calm rustle of leaves. The Monal Top is located at an elevation of around 2,000 meters, providing trekkers with a serene getaway from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

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