ViceVersa NSF to PST & PST to NSF Migration Application

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  • ViceVersa NSF to PST & PST to NSF Migration Application

    Precio : €69,00

    Publicado por : dechristan

    Publicado en : 07-03-25

    Ubicación : Almería

    Visitas : 2

    ViceVersa NSF to PST & PST to NSF Migration Application

    ViceVersa NSF to PST Converter Tool can help you convert NSF files to PST files. It converts NSF to Outlook PST without using Lotus Notes .ViceVersa tools have launched the best way to convert files NSF to PST converter. The tool is capable to export entire PST mailbox items like emails, calendars, contacts, journals, tasks to NSF format. This tool is ideal for converting NSF files to Outlook PST format. I utilized it. Converting NSF files to Outlook PST files is straightforward. Outlook PST files contain calendars, contacts, attachments, emails, and other types of data. NSF files can be easily converted to PST format without wasting time. The free test versions are also accessible to use. This application is compatible with all Windows operating systems, allowing users to operate it on any version. It supports all Lotus Notes versions, including 12.0, 11.0, 10.0, 9.0, 8.0, etc.

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