Why aren’t Last-Minute Flights Cheaper ?

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  • Why aren’t Last-Minute Flights Cheaper ?

    Precio : €2.114,00

    Publicado por : David Miller

    Publicado en : 19-07-24

    Ubicación : Melilla

    Visitas : 31

    Sitio web : https://flylastminutes.com/why-arent-last-minute-flights-cheaper/

    Why aren’t Last-Minute Flights Cheaper ?

    Last-minute flights are often expensive due to a combination of factors including supply and demand dynamics, airline revenue management strategies, and the urgency of travel plans. Airlines anticipate that travelers booking close to the departure date have a high necessity to fly and are willing to pay a premium. Additionally, there are fewer available seats as the departure date approaches, allowing airlines to charge higher prices. The lack of flexibility and increased operational costs for airlines to accommodate last-minute bookings also contribute to the elevated prices. Understanding these factors can help travelers make more cost-effective travel decisions.

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