Time Travel Magic Spells To Fix Your Past Mistakes +256761552303 Finland Poland Iceland Greece canada USA Canada - Bahamas UK

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  • Time Travel Magic Spells To Fix Your Past Mistakes +256761552303 Finland Poland Iceland Greece canada USA Canada - Bahamas UK

    Precio : €200,00

    Publicado por : mamanaseerah

    Publicado en : 08-04-24

    Ubicación : London

    Visitas : 1061

    Sitio web : https://naseerahspells.com/

    Time Travel Magic Spells To Fix Your Past Mistakes +256761552303 Finland Poland Iceland Greece canada USA Canada - Bahamas UK

    Time Travel Magic Spells To Fix Your Past Mistakes +256761552303 Finland Poland Iceland Greece canada  USA Canada - Bahamas UK
    There is no doubt that the aspect of time travel has intrigued and captivated humans for centuries. They have concocted all kinds of designs and machines to transport the physical body through the portals of time and space… but with no avail. There are deaths attributed to the desire of time travel through electrical means and through the thousands of years it has evaded those who seek to go back in time by removing their physical body from their present time.

    It should be noted that time travel has little to do with the physical body and much more to do with the astral body. It may be achieved through a portal used by your astral body. in Switzerland Luxembourg Norway Germany Netherlands Sweden France United Kingdom Italy Denmark Austria Spain Belgium Monaco
    Finland P Poland Iceland Greece canada  United States Canada - Bahamas Saint Kitts and Nevis Trinidad and Tobago Barbados Antigua and Barbuda Panama

    There are several ways to go about time travel… you can do it in meditation which most people find the most difficult because it requires absolute relaxation and dedicated focus. Most of us find it in the realm between sleep and unconsciousness. Mama Naseerah will help you achieve that.

    Bound by a powerful spell to lift the astral body while guiding your subconscious in its sleep. You will experience what may seem to you as a dream but what you will be really experiencing is traveling through time.

    After traveling back in tome, some people find they recognise new smells and have flashbacks of what they did in another time after they wake up for the day. Others use this opportunity to correct their past mistakes! It is an amazing experience that is not dangerous because it does not require anything other than the spell and you falling to sleep.

    At first it may be difficult to control what time period you are sent to, but with time and experience you will find that you can send yourself to any period of time you wish.

    Fecha 15-08-25

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