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    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : greenecc

    Publicado en : 03-11-21

    Ubicación : London

    Visitas : 25



                Titanium plate and sheet are commonly used in manufacturing today, with the most popular grades being 2 and 5.

                Grade 2 Titanium

                Grade 2 is the commercially pure titanium used in most of the chemical processing plants and is cold formable. Grade 2 plate and sheet can have ultimate tensile strength at and above 40,000 psi.

                Grade 5 Titanium

                Grade 5 is the aerospace grade and is not cold formable, so it is used more often when no forming is needed. Grade 5 aerospace alloy will have ultimate tensile strength at and above 120,000 psi.

                Plate is often used with the goal to get really close to the final dimensions of the part being made. The material is worked to the closest size of the desired part and the grain structure of the finished piece is more homogenous. Titanium sheet is often used as a heat barrier because titanium stops the heat and does not transfer to the rest of the assembly. Titanium plate and sheet have ballistic properties making it great for driver protection in racing.

        Roller Expansion

        The most commonly used method of making tube/tube sheet joints is roller expansion.

        Roller expansion procedures for titanium tube into tube sheets are similar to those used for other materials. For best results, the tube sheet holes should be within the limits specified by TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association) for shell and tube heat exchangers or within the limits specified by HEI (Heat Exchange Institute) Standards for Steam Surface Condensers.

        Determining Expansion

        There are three commonly used methods of determining the correct amount of expansion:

        1. Measuring wall reduction

        2. Simulating wall reduction by interference

        3. Pull-out strength versus torque curve

        The above pull-out test is preferable. The suggested wall reduction for titanium tubes is 10%. Thus, in a .028" tube or a .020" tube, the required reduction is .0028" or .0020". A small error in measurement can result in a large deficiency in pull-out strength.

        Why the titanium target price is high?

        Titanium target price is not cheap mainly due to the high price of its raw material titanium. Titanium sputtering target is mainly used for various film coatings, such as tool coating, optics coating, solar coating, and the like. However, its high price is a big obstacle for its popularity and development.

        We generally think gold & platinum are expensive because of their scarcity, but how about titanium? Is it a precious metal? Well, among the list of the top 10 most precious metals in the world, titanium, unfortunately, doesn’t get its place, which is a foregone conclusion. Titanium is present in the Earth’s crust at a level of about 0.6% — the fourth most abundant structural metal after aluminum, iron, and magnesium.

        However, titanium is always bonded to other elements in nature. Since titanium extraction is complex and costly, the price of the titanium product is high.

        What is titanium flange?

        Titanium flange is a kind of part made of non-ferrous metal titanium or titanium alloy to connect the pipe with the pipe, which is connected to the pipe end. There are holes on the titanium flange, and bolts make the two flanges tightly connected. The flange is sealed with gasket. Flange pipe fittings refer to the pipe fittings with flange (flange or adapter).

        It can be formed by threaded connection or welding. The flange connection is composed of a pair of flanges, a gasket and several bolts and nuts. The gasket is placed between the two flange sealing surfaces. After the nut is tightened, the specific pressure on the gasket surface reaches a certain value, and the deformation occurs, and the uneven parts on the sealing surface are filled, so that the connection is tight.

        According to the structure type, there are titanium lap Joint flange, titanium weld neck flange, titanium threaded flange and titanium blind flange, etc.

        Progress for the Titanium Industry

        Positive progress has been made towards the cost-effective application of titanium in vehicles for the mass market. The leading applications are cold wound springs manufactured from low-cost beta alloy, and exhaust systems manufactured from commercially pure titanium.

        These two classes of components are currently being manufactured for the automotive industry in titanium, using processes and tooling designed for manufacturing parts in steel.

        Automotive suppliers and manufacturers look at the total system cost, and while the titanium industry aims to develop low-cost alloys, it is clear that cheaper titanium alone will not guarantee an automotive application, but a competitively priced titanium component will.

        Therefore, there is a need to establish low-cost manufacturing methods for titanium parts. In working with automotive designers, the industry monitors the cost-benefit of using titanium, and remains abreast of all design and production developments, to reduce the cost and manufacturing challenges.

        Requirements of the Automotive Industry

        For automotive producers, style and performance remain key sales factors, but environmentally aware customers with increasingly educated social consciences want not only these, but also greater safety, minimum noise, maximum fuel economy, and the continued reduction of harmful emissions.

        The pressure of legislation, typically the US Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE), adds to market competition and growing customer demand - forcing design and material changes. As demand increases for more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly cars, affordability is less of an issue. More improvements are being incorporated into engines, suspension, and bodywork.

        Increases in the cost of fuel serve to hasten this process, which also allows for more to be spent on corrosion resistance, weight, and fuel-saving.

        What are Standard Parts

        When we say “Standard Parts” we mean machine elements or machine components. Our Standard parts are used as the building blocks for machines and products in many different industries.

        We say Standard because all our parts are standardized to common sizes in both inch and metric. We standardize our parts, so the engineers don’t have to customize each knob or handle for every project. Using standard parts makes it convenient and fast for design engineers to find parts by offering multiple different types and sizes. JW Winco also offers free CAD models for all of our parts to speed up the design process.

        What are Non-standard Parts

        The non-standard parts of the mould are generally the specification and shape, and the non-standard parts are called non-standard parts.In general, the non-standard parts of the mould are the drawings and requirements provided by the supplier for processing.And mould parts for the high precision and high quality requirements on hardware accessories, all the mould parts of the industrial and technical equipment requirements is very high, non-standard precision mold precision up to 0.001 MM tolerance.Such as: rubber injection mold and product contact parts in general are standard parts, before having the main mold, mold, after insert. Can also be said that in addition to the screw, water nozzle, plunger, aprons, spring, and the rest of the mold are almost standard parts.


                magine a lump of iron the size of a tennis ball. Weigh it in your hand. Now let it drop on to your foot. How does that feel? Now imagine an identical object three times as dense. How would that feel if you dropped it? Would you ever walk again?

                That metal is Tungstun.

                As well as being incredibly dense it is also incredibly hard and has the highest melting point of all the elements at 3,422C.

                A century or so ago the world had no use for it - it was almost impossible to shape or work the stuff. Yet now we use tungsten to write with, to traverse glaciers, to emit X-rays and to destroy buildings without the use of explosives.

                To understand how this happened, we need to understand the competitive forces that have shaped everything in our world, and where better to start than a mystery at the heart of the evolution of life?

                For the first four billion years, life didn't actually do much evolving. Organisms were small, simple and fairly rare. Then around 500 million years ago something extraordinary happened - the fossil records show there was an incredible explosion of life.

        What is molybdenum and what does it do?

        Molydenum is a mineral that you need to stay healthy. Your body uses molybdenum to process proteins and genetic material like DNA. Molybdenum also helps break down drugs and toxic substances that enter the body.


        Niobium is used in alloys including stainless steel. It improves the strength of the alloys, particularly at low temperatures. Alloys containing niobium are used in jet engines and rockets, beams and girders for buildings and oil rigs, and oil and gas pipelines.

        This element also has superconducting properties. It is used in superconducting magnets for particle accelerators, MRI scanners and NMR equipment.

        Niobium oxide compounds are added to glass to increase the refractive index, which allows corrective glasses to be made with thinner lenses.

    TFP Si

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