Types Of Liquid Filling Machines

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  • Types Of Liquid Filling Machines

    Precio : Gratis

    Publicado por : dnfsdd85

    Publicado en : 14-10-21

    Ubicación : Alicante

    Visitas : 30

    Types Of Liquid Filling Machines

        There are many types of filling and sealing machines used to package the variety of products in

    today's marketplace including liquids, pastes, chunky products, powders, granules,

    tablets, capsules, etc. Most filling machines are available from semi-automatic tabletop

    versions all the way up to high speed production line machines, including rotary fillers.

    Even within categories of filling machines there are often many choices available, so we

    always encourage you to call or email us to make sure you are buying the exactly correct

    machine for your application(s). This article mainly introduces the types of liquid filling


        There are usually different filling types according to different filling standards.

        According to the degree of automation, the types of filling machines are: manual

    filling machines, semi-automatic filling machines, and fully

    automatic filling machines.

        Manual Filling Machines

        These are manually operated and will need no power or electrical source. They are

    generally used for packing highly viscous liquids like creams, gels, and shampoos but will

    also suffice for medium viscosity liquids. Manual filling machines are ideal for small

    scale productions or laboratories where they will provide a higher output speed and

    increased accuracy than when the liquids are poured by hand. They are ideally used for

    filling vial and bottles with about 600ml capacities and have a production speed of 15-900

    bottles/hour. This type of machine is not produced by NPACK.
        Semi-Automatic Filling Machines
        These will be faster compared to manual machines and will suit medium and small scale

    production processes during a high-volume season. Semi-automatic machines are designed with

    nozzle, syringe and piston parts which guarantee they maintain a zero-drip operation. They

    can be used to package all types of liquids and those containing small food articles and

    even adhesives. Semi-automatic machines have filling ranges of 5-100ml and production

    speeds of 800 fills/hour.
        Fully Automated Filling Machines
        These are used for large-scale operations and in companies with high production needs.

    Automated filling machines are generally used with variable speed conveyor systems and for

    packaging, liquids with all levels of viscosity and those with suspended particles. Some

    manufacturers also configure their automated machines based on the type and volume of the

    filling container you are using for your product. You can also add filling heads on the

    machines to boost your company’s production rates. Automated

    cup filling and sealing machines can fill 5-10ml of a product and generate

    6000 bottles/hour. We mainly produce this type of machine.

        According to the filling principle, All liquid filling systems fall into either of two

    categories: volumetric or liquid level filling machines.

        Volumetric Filling Machine vs. Liquid-Level Filling Equipment

        There are very few bottles that don't have some small differences in volume.

    Considering that fact is very important in deciding the type of filling system you are

    going to use for your packaging. You've probably noticed at the supermarket or auto

    store that when you look at fill level, some of the bottles seem to look like they are

    short fills compared to others. Chances are they were filled with volumetric filling

    machinery. The volume inside the bottle is correct, but because of the small volumetric

    difference between the bottles it appears to be short.

        With a liquid level filling machine all of the bottles will "appear" to have

    the same volume because the fill level will be the same, but in actuality there will be

    slight differences in fill volume, no short fills, but some slight overfills.

        And so this is the decision you have to make beforehand: Volumetric or Liquid Level?

    For the vast majority of products the answer will be liquid level filling since it is

    cheaper and faster than volumetric filling, plus consumers of the product will not feel

    cheated when the bottles "appear" to be evenly filled. However volumetric filling

    is the best solution if the product has to have an exact dosage for it's use or if the

    product is very expensive per ounce and the little bit of giveaway could cost you dearly,

    especially in a high production environment.

        Liquid Level Filling Machines

        Siphon Filling Machinery

        The simplest and probably one of the oldest technologies devised by man was the siphon

    principle. In this case we are talking about the siphon filling machinewith

    tray sealer

    . Gravity flow into the tank to a valve that keeps the liquid level even, put some

    gooseneck valves up and over the tank side and back below the liquid level of the tank,

    start a siphon and voila, you've got a siphon filler. Add to that a little extra

    framing, and an adjustable bottle rest so you can set the fill level to the level of the

    tank and we now have a complete filling system that will never overfill a bottle, with no

    need for pumps etc. Our siphon filler comes with 5 heads (size is selectable) and can

    produce quite a bit more than many think possible.

        Overflow Filling Equipment

        In order to speed up the process of filling we have the pressure filling machine.

    Pressure fillers have a tank on the back of the machine with a valve to keep the tank full

    either by a simple float valve or by switching a pump on and off. The tank flood feeds a

    pump which then feeds to a manifold where a number of special overflow filling heads lower

    down into the bottle as the pump switches on forcing liquid into the bottles at a speedy

    rate. As the bottle fills to the top, and excess liquid goes back up a second port within

    the filling head and overflows back into the tank. At that point the pump switches off and

    any remaining excess liquid and pressure is relieved. Heads come up, bottles index out and

    repeat the process. Pressure filling machinery can be configured for semi-automatic,

    automatic in-line filling systems or as rotary pressure fillers for higher speeds.

        Volumetric Filling Machines

        Check Valve Piston Filler

        Check valve piston filling machines use a check valve system that opens and closes on

    the infeed stroke and discharge stroke. A great feature of this type of filling equipment

    with can seamer is that it can self

    prime to draw product directly from a drum or pail and then discharge into your container.

    Typical accuracy on a piston filler is plus or minus one-half percent. However check valve

    piston fillers do have certain limitations in that they cannot run viscous products or

    products with particulates as both can foul the valves. But if your products are free

    flowing (meaning they pour relatively easily) this is a great machine for startups and

    large producers as well.
        Rotary Valve Piston Filling Machine

        Rotary valve piston fillers are distinguished by the rotary valve which has a large

    throat opening to allow thick products and products with large particulates (up to

    1/2" diameter) from the supply hopper to flow through unimpeded. Great as a tabletop

    model or can be ganged for higher production requirements. Fill pastes, peanut butter, gear

    oil, potato salads, Italian dressing and much more on this type of piston filler with

    accuracy of plus or minus one-half percent. Fills accurately at a ten to one ratio of the

    cylinder set.
        Pump Filling Machines

        Pump fillers are another method of filling products ranging from liquids to thick

    pastes, even those with solid particulates (although generally much smaller than on a

    Rotary Valve Piston Filler). Available as tabletop models through multi-head ganged

    automatic machines. Another advantage of using positive displacement pump filling equipment

    is that the range of fill volumes is much greater than on a piston filler, albeit that the

    fill times increase significantly the larger the fill volume required. Other great features

    of a pump filling machine include easy fill adjustment by entering the amount needed, and a

    self priming feature similar to a check valve piston filler's ability to draw product

    directly from a drum or other container. For thicker products a supply hopper can be added

    similar to a rotary valve piston filler so that product flood feeds directly into the pump.

    Fill volumes are determined by counting revolutions (and partial revolutions) of the pump.

    There is also manual can

    to use.
        Peristaltic Pump Filling Machinery

        Peristaltic pump filling machines are very popular in the pharmaceutical and hazardous

    chemical industries because product does not have any external environment exposure since

    the hose goes directly from the product supply, through the pump (as opposed to into the

    pump), and to the dispense point. When the product run is complete the hose can be disposed

    of, or treated for reuse. Furthermore with some pumps extreme accuracy is possible down to

    the 1 ul (microliter) level.

        Timed Fill Gravity Systems

        Timed flow fillers are another type of filling equipment on the market. This type of

    filler works on the principle of a tank mounted above filling heads that have solenoid

    valves to open and close for the flow, or in some cases pinching of the hose to close. Fill

    volume is determined by timers that open and close the valves or pinch the tubes. Single

    head models can work pretty well for a variety of products. Even multi-head models can work

    pretty well once the system is balanced if only one formulation is run or the flow

    characteristics are identical. However the big disadvantage of timed fill systems is when

    the user wishes to fill a variety of products with different flow characteristics. In this

    case the system needs to be rebalanced which is not an easy task as every adjustment of for

    one head's flow affects all of the others. Busch Machinery does not offer timed fill

    systems for this reason, as other machinery that we offer can offer the same or better

    accuracy, at about the same cost, and without the hassle associated with timed fill

        Net weight filling machines
        Net weight filling machines use a weigh scale platform to monitor the weight of product

    as it is filling into a bottle or container. Net weight fillers are well suited for large

    container filling applications. This machine is used for weighing and filling 5-30kg

    liquid. Use photoelectric sensing, proximity switch and other sensing elements, so that it

    can be fully automated production. Using the submersible filling, filling valve diameter,

    fast feeding, valve mouth built-in plug, no drip leakage. Can do bottle filling, no bottle

    not filling. Stable operation, safe and hygienic.

        Servo Driven Pump Fillers:

        With the cost of servo drive controls coming way down over the last 10 years more and

    more uses for filling have come into play. Gear pump fillers is one type of application

    that has become very popular, although you must be sure that the pumps are sanitary pumps

    if you do foods, cosmetics or pharmaceuticals. The advantage of the gear pump is that you

    can fill almost any size product without need for change parts (although this still has

    limitations). At NPACK we still think the jury is out on this, as piston fillers can still

    fill with as good or better accuracy, although with not quite as large a range..

        Pressure Fillers:

        Pressure filling machines, or automatic can sealing machine, have their tanks

    below the bottom of the bottle. The tank flood feeds a pump (generally a centrifugal pump

    but also positive displacement pumps for thicker liquids) which then flows directly into

    the bottle until it reaches the fill level at which point excess product flow directly back

    into the tank. When filling plastic bottles the pump must be turned off (always for

    positive displacement pumps) before removing the filling tubes to allow the bottles to

    return to normal size (they swell under pressure) and drain off excess liquid. The big

    advantage of pressure fillers is that bottles fill more quickly so fewer heads (and space)

    are required and higher viscosity products can be filled. The disadvantage is that foamy

    products must be filled at slower pump speeds than normal, and this will work only if the

    foam settles out fairly quickly.

        Counter Pressure Fillers:

        These are liquid filling machines with labeling machine, or label sticking machine, unique to the carbonated

    beverage industry which includes beer, soda and any sparkling beverage or wine. NPACK does

    not sell counter pressure fillers, but we will still explain this complicated type of

    filler. The heads for this type of filling consist of 3 parts: Vent, CO2 pressurizer and

    fill tube. The head seals and the Vent and CO2 pressure valves are opened. The air in the

    bottle is forced out of the bottle and is replaced with the heavier CO2. The vent is then

    stoppered down and product from very specialized heads forces the chilled carbonated liquid

    down the sides of the container in a sort of swirl pattern to minimize foaming. Once the

    fill height is reached the vent completely closes at the same time the product is cutoff.

    Many people mistakenly think that the CO2 counter pressure is the carbonating process, but

    carbonizing is a bit more complicated than that. The purpose of the CO2 is to keep the

    already existing carbonized beverage in solution and to minimize foaming.


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