Because Immortal is the same game
Descripción: A month since it was released, Diablo Immortal has among the lowest Metacritic user ratings of all time: 0.4 on iOS and 0.3 on PC. "Disgustingly created," reads one typical review. On Apple's App Store The game, however Diablo Immortal has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars. "Finally an app for mobile done right!" comments one user. In their respective ways both ratings are just. Diablo Immortal is not just an update to the long-running action-role-playing game series, it frames Diablo in a new context. There are a variety of new contexts it's designed specifically for mobile devices that have touchscreen controls. It's an online game with a hugely multiplayer component featuring a shared environment in which you can see other players running around. It's co-developed by a Chinese company called NetEase and, even as with every Blizzard game before it, it has been designed with an eye at Asian markets. It's completely free to play. All of these are huge sea-level changes for Diablo. However the fact that for every Diablo player -- and particularly those who are Diablo 3 player -- Diablo Immortal will feel reassuringly familiar. The distinctive isometric viewpoint, intense combat with massive monsters and a wealth of loot fountains are all there. In addition, Immortal has clearly been built on the Diablo 3 engine and uses its assets, but retains the feeling and atmosphere of The 2012 Diablo game by Blizzard. Immortal's art style has the same intensely colored golden glow. The battle is the same addictive firework display, and the crackle and splatter of sound effects offer the same deep, Pavlovian satisfaction. Because Immortal is the same game but in an entirely new setting that the opinions of the various segments of its players can differ so widely. Existing Diablo fans hate the way their beloved game is commercialized in its free-to-play incarnation, while mobile game users, more familiar with this model of business and are awed by the polish, depth and range that Immortal inherits of its previous games. Each group has a point therefore, shouldn't we put it down to different strokes , and move on? But no, because Diablo Immortal isn't just the heart of a video game culture conflict. It's also at war with its own game. If you want to learn more about Diablo 4 Gold,piease vist
Fecha de Publicación: 06-07-23