Descripción: IN GABORONE >< ABORTION PILLS FOR SALE IN GABORONE. The Historical Aspect of the Legality of Induced Abortion+27738498722 The medical profession took a stand many centuries ago against induced abortion. Imhotep of Egypt (3000 BC; deified as the god of medicine) instituted an oath to be taken by all practicing physicians, which prohibited them from prescribing an abortifacient drug or pessary. Similarly, the well-known Hippocratic Oath enjoins doctors not to induce abortion by drugs, pessaries or any other means .+27738498722 abortion pills for sale in gaborone, abortion pills for sale in francistown, abortion pills for sale in botswana, abortion pills for sale in molepolole, abortion pills for sale in kanye, abortion pills for sale in mahalapye, abortion pills for sale in selibe, abortion pills for sale in phikwe, abortion pills for sale in maun, abortion pills for sale in serowe, abortion pills for sale in mmopane, abortion pills for sale in letlhakeng, abortion pills for sale in mogoditshane, abortion pills for sale in mochudi, abortion pills for sale in siding, abortion pills for sale in lentsweletau, abortion pills for sale in bokaa, abortion pills for sale in tati, abortion pills for sale in tsetsebjwe, abortion pills for sale in hukuntsi, abortion pills for sale in ghanzi, abortion pills for sale in tutume, abortion pills for sale in gabane,abortion pills for sale in shoshong, abortion pills for sale in lobatse, abortion pills for sale in mmadinare, abortion pills for sale in jwaneng, abortion pills for sale in thamaga, abortion pills for sale in shashe-mooke, abortion pills for sale in ramokgonami , abortion pills for sale in kan, abortion pills for sale in mandunyane, abortion pills for sale in thabala, abortion pills for sale in lecheng, abortion pills for sale in tobane, abortion pills for sale in nkange, abortion pills for sale in tonota, abortion pills for sale in lerala, abortion pills for sale in mathethe, abortion pills for sale in molapowabojang, abortion pills for sale in tlokweng, abortion pills for sale in shakawe, abortion pills for sale in kumakwane, abortion pills for sale in tshabon, abortion pills for sale in gumare, abortion pills for sale in mathangwane,abortion pills for sale in gweta, abortion pills for sale in kasane, abortion pills for sale in sefophe, abortion pills for sale in otse, abortion pills for sale in etsha, abortion pills for sale in mopipi, abortion pills for sale in mmankgodi, abortion pills for sale in sebina, abortion pills for sale in maitengwe, abortion pills for sale in bobonong, abortion pills for sale in sehithw, abortion pills for sale in nata, abortion pills for sale in shorobe, abortion pills for sale in umasera/seleka, abortion pills for sale in moiyabana, abortion pills for sale in ranaka, abortion pills for sale in lotlhakane, abortion pills for sale in manyana, abortion pills for sale in khudumelapye, abortion pills for sale in metsimotlhaba, abortion pills for sale in rakops, abortion pills for sale in oodi, abortion pills for sale in borolong,abortion pills for sale in marobela, abortion pills for sale in masunga, abortion pills for sale in malolwane, abortion pills for sale in dukwi, abortion pills for sale in palapye, abortion pills for sale in moshupa, abortion pills for sale in ramotswa,abortion pills for sale in kopong, abortion pills for sale in orapa, safe abortion clinic gaborone gaborone, where can i find abortion pills in botswana, abortion pills for sale in botswana, safe abortion clinics in mafikeng, abortion clinic in gaboron, safe abortion clinics in mafikeng, cytotec pills in botswana, safe abortion clinic in botswana, abortion pills in francistown botswana, abortion cases abortion clinics in francistown, abortion pills for sale in chadibe, abortion pills for sale in mookane, abortion pills for sale in seronga, abortion pills for comes out in mookane,abortion pills for sale in mafikeng, abortion pills for sale in botswana The Declaration of Geneva of 1968, as amended in Sydney, reiterated the Hippocratic Oath and pledged “to maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception .” However, the Declaration of Oslo, while retaining this moral principle, recognized the different opposing opinions on the question of abortion: “The Diversity of opinion is the result of the varying attitudes towards the life of the unborn child. This is a matter of individual conviction and conscience .” This profound change in attitude is the result of cumulative change in the fabric of many societies, where mores and lifestyles have completely changed.+27738498722 Although ancient civilizations prohibited and even harshly punished those who committed abortion, they were lax in some stages of their development and condoned clandestine acts of abortion. Potts and Diggory, in their Textbook of Contraceptive Practice, stated that abortion was practiced in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt (2133–1786 B.C), and the excavations at Pompeii revealed a vaginal speculum suitable for performance of abortion. The Roman Poet Ovid lamented, “There are few women nowadays who bear all the children they conceive .” The same seems equally true of the majority of women in many societies today, which have legalized abortion on demand, or for tenuous social or psychological reasons.+27738498722 The Bible considers induced abortion a crime but not murder; the husband of the offending wife determined the punishment, which was a compensation to him. The judge could also punish the perpetrator by strapping or imprisonment .+27738498722 The Catholic Church was more stringent, and in the seventh century instituted a canon for capital punishment of women who had abortions .+27738498722 Laws were passed making abortion punishable by death, in England in 1524; in Germany in 1531; in France in 1562; and in Russia in 1649 .+27738498722 With the advent of the industrial revolution and social upheavals in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, European countries gradually revoked the previous harsh laws and replaced them with less drastic penalties, e.g., imprisonment, fines, and withdrawal of the license to practice medicine.+27738498722 By 1929, the law in Britain allowed abortion if continuation of pregnancy was expected to endanger the health of the expectant mother. The previous law had allowed abortion only if continuation of pregnancy endangered her life and not her health .+27738498722 From 1929 to 1967, induced abortion without a clear medical indication was considered a criminal act and was punished by imprisonment, fine and withdrawal of the license to practice medicine. The 1967 amendment issued by the British Parliament authorized physicians to abort a fetus if there was likelihood of: (a) a threat to the life of the mother if pregnancy continued; (b) a threat to her physical or psychological health, or the health of children of the family (whether her own children, her husband’s children or adopted children) if pregnancy continued; (c) the presence of congenital anomalies in the fetus.+27738498722 The abortion should be performed in an institution recognized by The Ministry of Health, but not necessarily by a specialist .+27738498722 The first country in the world to legalize abortion on demand was communist Russia, which passed a law on November 18, 1920, “permitting abortion to be performed freely without charge in Soviet hospitals” . This resulted in the decline of the family and the population. Stalin saw the dangers clearly and hence passed a new law in 1935, which restricted abortion to medically indicated reasons. Pravda applauded the new law and wrote: “Our Soviet women have been given the bliss of motherhood. We must safeguard our families.” In 1955 however, the 1920 law on abortion was reinstated . The East European satellite countries soon followed suit, with minor changes. Several Scandinavian countries liberalized abortion laws in the 1930s. In 1935 Iceland did the same, and then Sweden and Denmark in 1938. Japan allowed abortion on demand and as a means of contraception in 1948, and China followed suit during the cultural revolution of the 1960s. Haiti and Great Britain passed their laws in 1967, India in 1971, and the USA in 1973. By 1980, about 60 % of the world’s population lived in countries where abortion was allowed on demand or with minor restrictions.+27738498722 The law in the United States varies from state to state, in general allowing abortion on demand in the first trimester of pregnancy, with more restrictions on certain medically indicated cases in the second trimester. The 1973 Roe v Wade decision removed many legal obstacles to abortion and was a public health watershed. The Roe v Wade decision in USA made safe abortion available but did not change the reality that more than 1 million women face an unwanted pregnancy every year. Forty years after Roe v Wade, the procedure is not accessible to many US women. The politics of abortion have led to a plethora of laws that create enormous barriers to abortion access, particularly for young, rural, and low-income women .+27738498722 Forty percent of the world’s women are living in countries with restrictive abortion laws, which prohibit abortion or only allow abortion to protect a woman’s life or her physical or mental health. In countries where abortion is restricted, women have to resort to clandestine interventions to have an unwanted pregnancy terminated. As a consequence, high rates of unsafe abortion are seen, such as in sub-Saharan Africa where unsafe abortion occurs at rates of 18–39 per 1000 pregnant women .+27738498722 The laws governing the practice of induced abortion in 197 countries were classified into five categories (to save a woman’s life or prohibited altogether, to preserve physical health, to preserve mental health, socioeconomic grounds, and no restriction).+27738498722 In 68 countries, abortion is not legally permitted on any grounds or only to save the woman’s life, and 26 % of the world’s population are living in countries with such restrictive laws (most of them are Catholic countries). In 36 countries, around 10 % of the world’s population, abortion is allowed only to protect a woman’s physical health and in another 23 countries, around 4 % of the world’s population, also to protect her mental health. Finally, 21 % of the world’s population lives in the 14 countries that permit abortion on socioeconomic grounds and another 39 % are living in the remaining 56 countries, where abortion is available without restriction as to indication, albeit not gestational length .+27738498722 Countries allowing abortion on demand include: Russia, China, Japan, the Scandinavian countries, Eastern Europe, Vietnam, North Korea, the USA, and Tunisia (the only Muslim country) . This might change after the revolution and reintroduction of Islamic Laws.+27738498722 Countries allowing abortion with some restrictions are: Great Britain, Canada, India, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, and South Africa.+27738498722 Countries allowing abortion only to save the life of the mother are: the Catholic countries such as those of Latin America; Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Belgium, the Philippines .+27738498722 Almost all Muslim countries allow abortion only for strict medical reasons .+27738498722 The Egyptian law criminalizes abortion in the Penal Code, according to articles 260, 261, 262, and 263. Abortions performed by doctors are regulated in article 29 of the physicians’ Code of Ethics which states that physicians are allowed to perform the procedure to protect the pregnant woman‘s health if they obtain written approval from two other specialists. Egyptian law also finds a woman guilty if she willingly chooses an induced abortion, which carries a prison penalty (6 months to 3 years imprisonment) according to article 262 of the Penal Code .+27738498722. Bostwana Gaborone Francistown Molepolole Serowe Selibe Phikwe Maun Kanye Mahalapye Mogoditshane Mochudi Lobatse Palapye Ramotswa Moshupa Tlokweng Bobonong Thamaga Letlhakane Tonota Mmadinarea Jwaneng Tutume Gabane Shoshong Ghanzi Letlhakeng Orapa Kopong Mmopane Kasane Shakawe Lentsweletau Molapowabojang Gumare Tshabong Lerala Mmathethe Mathangwane Mmankgodi MaitengweNgwenya Lavumisa Sidvokodvo Tjaneni Kubota Bulembu Hlatikulu Tabankulu Mondi Bhunya Kwaluseni Mpake Gumare Tshabon Lerala mathethe Gweta Mathangwane Mmankgodi Maitengwe Rakops Dukwi Mopipi Etsha Otse Sefophe Sehithw Nata umasera/Seleka Moiyabana Lotlhakane Metsimotlhaba Bokaa Tati Siding Tsetsebjwe Hukuntsi Kan Maunatlala Tobane Nkange Ramokgonami Sebina Oodi Kumakwane Manyana Shorobe Mandunyane Thabala Lecheng Shashe-Mooke Khudumelapye Ranaka Marobela Masunga Malolwane Borolong Nokaneng Chadibe Seronga Abortion and Birth Control
Fecha de Publicación: 17-06-22